Dated Wednesday August 14, 2013;
The mobile version of a website is used differently then a regular website. Mobile visitors are more action oriented, and use the website in order to complete the task they are working on. For instance finding the route to the owner of the website or contacting them. The content of the website should focus on this type of use.
Dated Wednesday August 14, 2013;
Apple has announcent its new version of iOS: iOS 7. For the first time since Apple launched the iPhone, the design is radicly changed. But not only the OS has changed. Browsing in Safari wil also be a refreshing experience.
Dated Sunday September 2, 2012;
A webshop is within reach for everybody. It even can be done while having a fulltime job! The costs are low and so worth the gamble. The ease with which a webshop can be started also means most webshop don't last longer then a year. The mean cause: unrealistic expectation. Although webshop are easy to start, they won't make you a millionaire over night. Here are some tips to make sure your webshop will succeed:
Icons are an essential part of the navigation and user experience on mobile websites. Recurring visitors scan menu's for certain shapes or colors in order to find the correct menu item they have seen before:
Eén van de grootste uitdagingen waar HTML 5 mee worstelt, is de toegang tot de hardware. Het is het grootste struikelblok in de overstap van Flash naar HTML 5. Ook is dit de grootste reden dat apps nog steeds krachtiger en veelzijdiger zijn dan HTML 5 webapps. De grote uitdaging ligt hem in de webbrowsers. Deze moeten steeds meer gaan opereren als operating systems om de functionaliteiten, zoals foto's nemen, GEO locatie en kompas beschikbaar te maken.
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