Categorie : Nieuws
Dated Friday December 27, 2013;
In our article on how to choose the correct colors for your website we discussed the effects the colors will have on the actions of your visitors. The influence of these colors can determine the success of your website, so it is important to keep these in mind when selecting the colors for your website. Once you have decided on the main color you will be using for your website, you are confronted with you next challenge. How to select a complete color pallet for my website?
Dated Monday September 30, 2013;
This tutorial explanes how to put a Google maps map on the contact page of your website.
Dated Monday September 9, 2013;
With all the online and offline tools available today, allmost everybody can create and launch a website. But creating and launching a website is not the same as havin succes with your website, what ever your goal may be. And because it so easy and quick to do, most people skip some crucial steps in making a success out of their efforts. The now following article is simply checklist you can print and use as guidiance when starting a new website:
Microsoft is desperate to get all great apps to its Windows Phone Platform. Facebook, Twitter and off course YouTube. Claiming Google was not putting the effort in they should, Microsoft launched a YouTube app of its own. But Google blocked videos for the app soon after, claiming Microsoft violated their terms of service. Since then both of them are working together on an app. But a new app Microsoft released only a few days ago has already been blocked by Google. They dispute seems to continue.
Dated Wednesday August 14, 2013;
Apple has announcent its new version of iOS: iOS 7. For the first time since Apple launched the iPhone, the design is radicly changed. But not only the OS has changed. Browsing in Safari wil also be a refreshing experience.
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